Visualizing Eating Experience
How to Use the Visualization
- Select a username from the dropdown menu to view the eating pattern of that user.
- To focus on eating habit within a specific time range, select that time range by dragging and extending mouse on the bottom scatter plot.
- Mouseover on any circle of first scatterplot to view details of meal.
- Click on a circle to view visualization of hunger level, and eating satisfaction with mood for a specific user and meal type.
- Mouseover on each circle of line graph to view hunger level before and after meal, and mood. The grey shaded area represents the ideal level of hunger.
- Mouseover on each bar of bar plot to view mood, company, and eating effort.
- Click on RESET button anytime to return to overview.
- Click on COMPARE button to view another visualization to understand an individual's eating pattern.
Hunger level
Food satisfaction, mood and eating effort
About the Visualization
The scatterplot provides an overview of regular eating pattern of all participants. Hunger level visualization will help users identify whether their hunger level is maintained in ideal zone. Visualization of food satisfaction with mood will enable a user to know about external (e.g. eating effort) and internal (e.g. mood, company) factors that might influence their satisfaction out of food.
The Hunger Scale